You can’t predict evolution!
Concept of evolution always amazes mankind. The term evolution literally means any change in organism, its body parts and its phenotype from its previous state. If we biologically define evolution, it is a change in the heritable traits (adaptations) over successive generation. There are three main theories which explain evolution. Most famous theory is of Darwin. Lamarck quoted evolution as “inheritance of acquired characters”. He believed that organisms traits that acquires and changes during their lifetime can also pass over to successive generation (Lamarck, 1809). It means environment can drive slow mutation. Later Darwin quoted evolution as “descent with modification”. He believed that environment is not static and dynamic so to cope with this changing environment, organism has to change their adaptations (traits) for survival and reproduction (Darwin, 1859). Darwin believed natural selection is the mechanism of evolution. Hugo de Vries define evolution as “heritable change in ...